What is The Commune?
We're a group of gamers, and we're always looking for new gamers to join us. Every month or so, we pick a game to play. We chat about the game together, and we record podcasts, record videos, and write essays. You can reach The Commune in the following ways: As for me, I'm Greg Livingston, but I go by Golem. I organize things around here.


Viewing all podcasts for Adrian.

Skyward Sword - Eldin Volcano Level Design
Mar 2, 2020
Skyward Sword - Faron Woods Level Design
Mar 2, 2020
Skyward Sword - Dungeon Space
Jun 30, 2019
This podcast covers the use of space in Skyward Sword's dungeons.
Skyward Sword - Podcast 1
Jun 30, 2019
The Wolf Among Us - Authorship
Aug 16, 2018
In The Wolf Among Us players navigate Sheriff Bigby through his adventures. How do we measure the impact and meaning of player choice in the story?
Dragon's Crown - Classes
Jul 29, 2018
Characters in Dragon's Crown are distinguished by their inherent abilities as well as customizations made by the player. Here, we consider the range and impact of those choices.
Killer 7 - Gripes
Jul 21, 2018
We discuss the downsides of Killer 7's combat and puzzles.
Dragon's Crown - Progression
Jul 15, 2018
A review of progression in Dragon's Crown via rewards and variation.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - The Rest
Jul 4, 2018
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon features more than ghost-busting. We consider the far corners of its design space and how the Poltergust functions outside of combat.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - Ghost Fishing
Apr 22, 2018
Combat in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon revolves around pulling ghosts towards you: reeling them in using a vacuum cleaner. We discuss the interplay that this creates.
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